Friday, July 29, 2011

Holding US hostage

In an already shaky global economy, the biggest buyer of goods (USA) could be making cutbacks. This would be stupefyingly dumb. By playing chicken with the national debt, Washington has already irreparably wounded the US economy. The world depends on the U.S. economy running smoothly. A default would lead governments and companies to rethink their relation to the United States, and this has already happened. One blatant lie is that Republicans and Democrats, the Congress and the White House are serious about reining in budget deficits to reduce the long-term debt. They are not. We socialize the rich when they lose money, and then we socialize their ability to profit.

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Karen. I'm glad to see that we Ladies of Liberal are getting the ball rolling with opinion posts.

    I'd like to point out a bigger lie, however. There's an erroneous conventional wisdom going around - the lie that 'both parties are equally corrupt.' They are not; for all the faults of the Democrats, saying they are 'the same' as the GOP/Tea Party melange is like comparing one apple to an entire Dole plantation! The GOP/TP is in thrall to their billionaire master (Koch Bro's ring a bell?) and that is where the corruption comes from.

    Plus, they don't like having a black man in the WH, and they'll do anything - anything - to bring him down. Including, wreck the entire country.
