Friday, December 30, 2011

Endowments for Public Schools

This was published on another blog The Democrat Lady Speaks Out and appears here with permission.

Earlier today, I saw something on my Facebook page which asked the question as to what type of human being thinks there is nothing wrong in asking a teacher to take a 20% pay cut, but cannot fathom asking a millionaire to pay an addition 3% in taxes.

There was a lot of discussion about it, as you can imagine. And, I, of course, added my two cents. Then, I thought, perhaps, my two cents was actually worth sharing with the blogosphere.

If we want to fight the conservatives in the area of education funding, PART of the answer is endowments for teacher's salaries and pensions. Here is an idea in a few steps:

1) You make conservatives happy by "investing" in something that pays interest or a dividend. If you have a 5% return, you need $1,000,000 for a $50k salary. If you want the teacher to have a bigger salary, you add to the endowment.

You can use this same fund for the teacher's retirement pension, allowing the surviving spouse/partner to receive the pension upon death of the retired teacher. BUT you need a stipulation that the funds will be used to pay a NEW teacher when both teacher and spouse/partner have gone on their great reward in the sky. Thus, you fund BOTH salary and pension at the same time.

Wall Street would practically slobber all over itself trying to make this work. Yes, you WILL have to have stipulations as to what happens in economic downturns, so that teachers salaries are not all wiped out because some stockbroker(s) or bank(s) does(do) something stupid and tanks the economy.

2) Next, you give donors to the endowment a tax deduction. (See conservatives act like sex-starved teenage boys.) Make it a charitable deduction. Currently, if a millionaire makes a donation to endow a professor's chair at a university, the millionaire gets a tax deduction. Why shouldn't anyone who gives to endow a public school teacher's salary and benefits get the same?

3) As each teacher's salary/benefits is endowed, you place the tax savings into another teacher's account. This is so all the teacher's salaries get endowed faster. There will ALWAYS be people who can get donations faster than someone else. Just like there are people who can jump higher or type faster than others. When Teacher X has all they need in their account, and they can get 100% of their salary and benefits from their endowment, the TAX money that would have gone to Teacher X can now go to Teacher Y. It helps meet the entire goal faster.

4) When it is all COMPLETE, you lower or eliminate PROPERTY taxes, and, after that, SALES taxes. Why not do this as each teacher is funded? Because the wealthy areas will be funded faster and the poorer areas not at all. Sooooooooo, if the wealthy want to be done with property and sales taxes, we need to make sure they also donate to the poorer districts. By the way, this will not work if we wait for the wealthy to fund the whole thing. All of us will have to make contributions here and there to teacher's endowments.

Donations would have to be given with no strings as to what can be taught, but can be given to specific subjects. For example, you could donate to fund a math teacher, science teacher, PE teacher...whatever you, the donor believes is important. You could NOT, for example, put a stipulation on the donation that a science teacher could not teach evolution, or a math teacher multiplication.

This will take generations to finish, but in the end, you have a fully funded public school system that includes pensions and does not depend on taxes.

Well, that's my basic idea. I am sure there are people out there that will tear my idea apart and list all the reasons why "liberals" like me can't possibly know what we are talking about.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Today I Donated to Occupy Wall Street!

Rosie the Riveter OWS sticker from

Thanks to all who have purchased products with this design - on Nov. 17 Day of Action I made a donation of $17 to the Occupy Wall Street general fund from proceeds on sales! Keep purchasing, and I will keep donating!
Rosie the Riveter OWS sticker sticker
Rosie the Riveter OWS sticker by BoldlyLiberal
Browse Occupy wall street Stickers

Power to the people, not the corporations! As the American Autumn of 2011 takes off, peaceful protests and organizing movements spread from city to city. More and more, we realize that the funneling of wealth, opportunity, and resources from the 99% to the privileged 1% cannot continue. Show your solidarity with the 99% by using your voice, your presence, your signature on petitions - and most of all, with your vote. Because if you don't use it, you'll lose it! 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

BOLDLY LIBERAL sticker from BoldlyLiberal* at

BOLDLY LIBERAL sticker from

Stand up and proudly display your liberal values 
with this award-winning sticker!

Zazzle has given a Political Artist Award 
for this design - thank you, Zazzle!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rosie the Riveter OWS poster from BoldlyLiberal* at

Rosie the Riveter OWS poster from

Power to the people, not the corporations! As the American Autumn of 2011 takes off, peaceful protests and organizing movements spread from city to city. More and more, we realize that the funneling of wealth, opportunity, and resources from the 99% to the privileged 1% cannot continue. Show your solidarity with the 99% by using your voice, your presence, your signature on petitions - and most of all, with your vote. Because if you don't use it, you'll lose it! NOTE from Seller: This is my livelihood. If I earn enough through sales of my design work, I gladly donate to #OccupyWallStreet and other worthy causes. But I cannot do this unless I get sufficient income through my sales.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I'm The 99% Tee Shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at

I'm The 99% Tee Shirt from

Power to the people, not the corporations! As the American Autumn of 2011 takes off, peaceful protests and organizing movements spread from city to city. More and more, we realize that the funneling of wealth, opportunity, and resources from the 99% to the privileged 1% cannot continue. Show your solidarity with the 99% by using your voice, your presence, your signature on petitions - and most of all, with your vote. Because if you don't use it, you'll lose it!

I'm The 99% shirt
Join one of the largest t-shirts affiliate programs

NOTE from Seller: This is my livelihood. If I earn enough through sales of my design work, I gladly donate to #OccupyWallStreet and other worthy causes. But I cannot do this unless I get sufficient income through my sales.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

We Are Troy Davis: What Gives Me Hope in the Battle against the Death Penalty

Note: I originally posted this as comment here: Daily Kos: We Are Troy Davis

I gained hope from seeing and hearing of the tremendous outpouring of support and growing awareness of America's shame in allowing the death penalty to stay on the books.

As I was visiting and posting on several different forums last night, I encountered at least half a dozen comments from people who said they had been supportive or at least ambivalent about the death penalty, and were now reconsidering their stance on it. That is how minds change and how a movement gets going - one person at time being faced with an insupportable situation and rethinking their position because of it.

In most cases I was able to reply to these posts with some factual information, such as that the states without the death penalty have lower homicide rates. This surprised even me, but I live in one of those states (NM) and I have to say it doesn't seem like crime in NM has gone off the rails in the two years since it was abolished here. I did a quick Google search to see if my conclusions were correct, and it brought up a wealth of information. I'm posting the link here if any of you want to use it future discussions:

Google: states without the death penalty

Also, I would like to extend my enormous gratitude to Amy Goodman and the staff & producers of DemocracyNow, and the guests that were interviewed, for the superlative work they did last night in covering this. (As well as their impressive work in following the case over time.) Benjamin Jealous of the NAACP, along with the man from Amnesty International, did an excellent job of explaining the legal issues and ramifications of this entire case. Those who saw even part of this broadcast last night have received an education that will not soon be forgotten.

Finally, my condolences to the family, friends, and supporters of Troy Davis as well to the family of Officer MacPhail (whom I fear will not find the peace and closure they've been seeking - but that is their sad lesson to learn). It was said during the broadcast last night that Troy Davis felt God was using him as a beacon to bring this issue before the American public - and the world. This thought is certainly being fulfilled, imo, even as we speak.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

GOP Health Care Plan Postcard from BoldlyLiberal* at

GOP Health Care Plan Postcard from

Gotta love the GOP, they're so fond of simple slogans. Remember their answer to all our energy problems: "Drill, Baby, Drill?" All righty then, we thought we'd help them out with a simple way to explain their plan for health care: Just DIE, Baby, DIE! After all, they cheered on prime-time TV over the thought of an unemployed, 30-year-old man dying because he had no insurance. Oh sure, he "choose" not to buy it, therefore I guess in their tiny little minds, he "deserved" to die. The GOP/TP: such great "deciders" of who deserves to live or die. (They also think leading the nation's record on executions is cool. Even if that includes executing innocent people). What are they, a death cult?

Monday, September 12, 2011

A "Cult of Ignorance" in the US - Asimov quote updated.

I saw this quote going around, and posted it on Facebook:

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" - Isaac Asimov, column in Newsweek (21 January 1980)

And one of my friends commented:

Interesting. And especially who said it. Also, true. Is the celebration of ignorance just laziness, or what? (don't worry, I'm being rhetorical ; )

To which I replied:

Good rhetorical question ;) I think Asimov nailed it with the part about the flase notion of democracy. Ya know, one thing the Tbaggers hate about us 'liberal elitist scum' is that they think we think we're better than them (because among other things, we're smarter and better educated). Well, any normal person would use such feelings of envy as motivation to better themselves. But the tbaggers use it as an excuse to lash out and destroy everything good they can get their hands, to drag everything down to their level. They remind me of the Morlocks in Huxley's Brave New World.
Okay, I got the Morlocks wrong. They were from H.G.Wells's The Time Machine. Anyway, when I Googled the term to check which novel they came from, this little gem came up:

E - er's race of
L - little
O - odd looking cattle
I - inevitably to be eaten by the...
M - monsterous creatures
O - of the underground
R - ruling the world
L - like a species
O - of
C - crazy
K - killer mole/apes in
S - suprimeity.
Hmm, ring any bells? Just think ... tonight's GOTP debate was highlighted by audience applauding for the idea that someone without health insurance could be left to die in a coma. Crazy Killer mole/apes they are. Let's hope - and work - to make sure they NEVER acheive "supremeity."

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Democrat Lady Speaks Out: Democrats, Get Off Your Rear End!

The Democrat Lady Speaks Out: Democrats, Get Off Your Rear End!: Get ready now! In recent months, Republican majorities in Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, and several other states have created voter registrati...

Gay Marriage t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at

Gay Marriage t-shirt from

It's so simple: If you don't like Gay Marriage, don't have one! Dedicated to al our LGBT brothers and sisters, their friends and families, and all who believe in Live and Let Live.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Enjoy Your Weekend? t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at

Enjoy Your Weekend? t-shirt from

The working-person icon Rosie the Riveter reminds of just one of the many benefits the trade unions have brought us. Things we take for granted - like paid sick leave, workplace safety, sane working hours, and many more. And all of these are in danger in the funneling of power into the hands of the corporations. So take a moment right now to remember what collective bargaining has saved for us, and stand up for the union!

Man Dies of Toothache

Man Dies of Toothache

In order to understand the absolute RAGE I feel at this moment, you should, first, visit the above link and read about 24-year-old Kyle Willis who died of a tooth infection because he did not have the money he needed for the antibiotic.

Second, read the blog below from Michelle Makin and all the things the conservatives are doing to blame the dead gentleman for his own death.

ObamaCare Fable

I don't care what other options he had. HE DIED BECAUSE NO ONE TOLD HIM OF THOSE OPTIONS. He died because the GOP will not let government do its job. Sick people should NOT have to run around to various organizations trying to figure out how to pay for their illness. They should go to the doctor or dentist and it gets taken care of, PERIOD!


By the way, tax-phobic GOPers should note, his daughter will probably cost taxpayers a ton of money till she is grown, since her father will not be there to even provide food or lodging. Kyle Willis' death is PROOF that we need universal health coverage. If we had it, he would be alive. If he lived in Europe, he would be alive. I do NOT care what taxes they pay in the EU, I care that they do not die, like we do, to save some fat-cat on his taxes! If the GOP wants to continue to call itself the "Party of Life", they had better get off their elephants and pay taxes so people can live!

From now on, everytime I donate to a Democrat or to a charity, I will pick ONE corporation which trades on Wall Street, and email them. My email will say, roughly, "I donated here instead of buying your product, because no one will take my tax money to fix the problems of the poor and middle class." I wonder what would happen if enough people did that and Wall Street corporations began to see the money they were losing? Maybe we can get a law passed to let their stockholders know how much money is NOT being spent to buy their product or service. And, maybe, other Kyle Willis' will live to see their daughters grow up.

When I vote in 2012, I will do so in Kyle Willis' memory.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jefferson Quote t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at

Jefferson Quote t-shirt from

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations which dare already to challenge our government in a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." This quote from Thomas Jefferson, founder and third President of the United States, is so pertinent now that we're seeing the transformation of corporations into "super-persons." Jefferson's hope is a long way from being realized, so let's get busy!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I Survived Irene pet clothing from BoldlyLiberal* at

I Survived Irene pet clothing from

Pets need shelter during times of disaster, too! We know you'll take good care of your best friend, and now that the storm is over why not get something for Rover or Fluffy to commemorate the event :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Submitting to Stupidity bumpersticker from BoldlyLiberal* at

Submitting to Stupidity bumpersticker from

By request from some of my great tweeps on Twitter. I was going to make an anti-Bachmann line on of these days, so thanks to those who suggested it! If you're not yet following my political tweets, you can do so here:@LiberallyJan

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

No New Texans Tee Shirt from

No New Texans

No New Texans T-Shirt from

No New Texans Shirt
No New Texans by thedemocratlady
Wear your opinion of presidents from Texas!

Stop Rick Perry!

Sick of Republicans from Texas running the country?

Tell Rick Perry what you really think of him and his "ideas" by wearing this tee. Stop Rick Perry! NO NEW TEXANS! Support Barack Obama.

Monday, August 15, 2011

#ObamaCARES t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at

#ObamaCARES t-shirt from

"I have no problem with folks saying Obamacares. I do care. If the other side wants to be those who don’t care, fine with me". From President Obama's town hall in Cannon Falls, MN on August 15, 2011. We know you care, Mr. President, and we've got your back. Yes we can, and Yes, We Will!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

#FireTheGOP hat from BoldlyLiberal* at

#FireTheGOP hat from

"Trickle-down" misery, no jobs, decaying infrastructure, unfunded wars, holding the country hostage so the rich can get more tac cuts, anti-union, against women's health ... had enough? Yeah, me too. It's time to #FireTheGOP so let's get to the polls and do it!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Holding US hostage

In an already shaky global economy, the biggest buyer of goods (USA) could be making cutbacks. This would be stupefyingly dumb. By playing chicken with the national debt, Washington has already irreparably wounded the US economy. The world depends on the U.S. economy running smoothly. A default would lead governments and companies to rethink their relation to the United States, and this has already happened. One blatant lie is that Republicans and Democrats, the Congress and the White House are serious about reining in budget deficits to reduce the long-term debt. They are not. We socialize the rich when they lose money, and then we socialize their ability to profit.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stand Strong Norway t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at

Stand Strong Norway t-shirt from

In Oslo, Norway on July 22, 2011, a home-grown domestic terrorist planted bombs near the Parliament building, then traveled to a youth camp north of the city, where he opened fire on the campers. At least 17 people died this day, with many more wounded. It has been called Norway's "Oklahoma City." On the back of this fully-customizable t-shirt is an inspiring quote from the statement of the Prime Minister of Norway in response to this act of terror.

Stand Strong Norway t-shirt shirt
Stand Strong Norway t-shirt by BoldlyLiberal
Browse zazzle for a different t-shirt.zazzle

Monday, July 11, 2011

Pragmatic Progressive button from BoldlyLiberal* at

Pragmatic Progressive button from

Are you tired of the left-wing bickering over ideological purity? Would you like to see a Democratic majority that will get us started on a progressive agenda, rather than another election turned over to the R's by disaffected, won't-vote liberals? Claim your identity as a Pragmatic Progressive, and proudly support your stand for Getting Sh*t Done! Styled in patriotic red, white, blue, the background is my own design based on a traditional quilt patterns. Because nothing's more pragmatic than the handmade goodness of an all-American quilt!

Friday, July 8, 2011

GOP Promise Breakers t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at

GOP Promise Breakers t-shirt from

Remember back in the 2010 campaign when the GOP promised they'd have a "laser-like focus" on creating jobs? They won the House of Representatives that way - yeah, right! It's now 184 days into the 2011 Congressional year, and the GOP has yet to bring forward a single bill that would create job growth! But they have put forward a number of bills attacking women's rights, including women's right to reproductive health care. Hey - if you voted GOP in 2010, you fell for one of the biggest bait-and-switch scams ever!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

TRUST WOMEN magnet from Jan4insight* at

TRUST WOMEN magnet from

It would make things so much simpler, kinder, and easier if we would Trust Women to make their own decisions about their bodies and their health care!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

#ObamaLover t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at

#ObamaLover t-shirt from

A movement was born on this night of July 5, 2011! Twitter users will recognize # - and this particular hashtag was meant to be derogatory. Well, never ones to let an opportunity go to waste, the pragmatic progressives who support President Obama adopted it as their own. Take that, #ggreenwald - Yes We Can and Wes We Will!

Wall St Caused It Tshirt from

Wall St Caused It T-shirt from

Reads, in blue, "Wall Street caused it. Let Wall Street pay to fix it." Simple statement about the economy and who is really responsible for the mess we are in. And most Wall St. bankers and stock brokers belong to what party? Great reason to SUPPORT DEMOCRATS in 2012.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Greedy CEO Health Care Long Bumper Stickers from

Greedy CEO Health Care Long Bumper Stickers from

Reads, in blue letters, "Keep greedy corporate CEOs out of my health care!" Do you NOT trust corporations to provide affordable health care? Tell the world with this design. Looks great on any bumper.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Liberal Flag Left T Shirt from

Liberal Flag Left T Shirt from

Ladies of Liberal look lovely in T-shirts with a patriotic liberal view. Red, white and blue and LIBERAL all the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to the left. Great fun at any political event, too.

I'm for OBAMA t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at

I'm for OBAMA t-shirt from

Yes, you are - So why not proudly show it with this straight-forward message! Available on all t-shirt styles and sizes, and hats, mugs, bumperstickers and more!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Liberal Flag T-shirt from

Liberal Flag T-shirt from

A variation of another design just for PATRIOTIC LIBERALS. Shows the word "liberal" in stars and stripes, red, white and blue. Fun on the 4th of July!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pragmatic Progressive mousepad from BoldlyLiberal* at

Pragmatic Progressive mousepad from

Are you tired of the left-wing bickering over ideological purity? Would you like to see a Democratic majority that get us started on a progressive agenda, rather than another election turned over to the R's by disaffected, won't-vote liberals? Claim your identity as a Pragmatic Progressive, and proudly support your stand for Getting Sh*t Done! Styled in patriotic red, white, blue, the background is my own design based on a traditional quilt patterns. Because nothing's more pragmatic than the handmade goodness of an all-American quilt!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rosie the Riveter GOTV sticker from BoldlyLiberal* at

Rosie the Riveter - the iconic image of roll-up-your-sleeves, WE CAN DO IT pragmatism, now appears in a fabulous version for your GOTV efforts! Stickers are great for guerilla marketing campaigns, btw.

Rosie the Riveter GOTV sticker sticker
Make a sticker online at

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"No Such Thing" Anti-Capitalist Hat from BoldlyLiberal* at

"No Such Thing" Anti-Capitalist Hat from

There's no such thing as a free lunch - or a free market, either! Problem is, proponents of the "free market" mythos really want to have their fre lunch - at our expense! Set 'em straight, or at least get 'em thinking, with this clever way to put it!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Eisenhower Quote Tshirt from

Eisenhower Quote Tshirt from

Pres. Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican, said this in November of 1954: "Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

Want to save social security? Tired of threats to MediCare? Wear this and let politicians know how you feel wherever you do!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Got Solar iPhone 3 case from BoldlyLiberal* at

Got Solar iPhone 3 case from

Get solar - the sun's energy will last the next 5 billion years! And then carry the message with this cool, customizable iPhone 3 case! Design also available for iPhone 4 and iPad.

Got Solar iPhone 3 case speckcase
Got Solar iPhone 3 case by BoldlyLiberal
Become a part of Zazzle's iphone affiliate program

Follow on Twitter: @LiberallyJan

Monday, June 20, 2011

Don't Sit Out The Vote t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at

Don't Sit Out The Vote t-shirt from

It's your vote - don't flush it away by sitting out the election! Great product to help with your Get Out the Vote efforts, fully customizable! 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Proudly Progressive mug from BoldlyLiberal* at

Proudly Progressive mug from

Progressives are patriots, too! Show your progressive pride and your love for the red, white, and blue with this great mug!

Right Brain Left Control Aprons from

Right Brain Left Control Aprons from

Funny apron with a political message for those that like to laugh and have a sense of humor. Reads, "If the left side of the brain controls the right, and the right side of the brain controls the left, then only left-leaning Democrats, progressives and liberals are in their right mind." Great gift for your favorite liberal.