Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Democrat Lady Speaks Out: Democrats, Get Off Your Rear End!

The Democrat Lady Speaks Out: Democrats, Get Off Your Rear End!: Get ready now! In recent months, Republican majorities in Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, and several other states have created voter registrati...

Gay Marriage t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at Zazzle.com

Gay Marriage t-shirt from Zazzle.com

It's so simple: If you don't like Gay Marriage, don't have one! Dedicated to al our LGBT brothers and sisters, their friends and families, and all who believe in Live and Let Live.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Enjoy Your Weekend? t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at Zazzle.com

Enjoy Your Weekend? t-shirt from Zazzle.com

The working-person icon Rosie the Riveter reminds of just one of the many benefits the trade unions have brought us. Things we take for granted - like paid sick leave, workplace safety, sane working hours, and many more. And all of these are in danger in the funneling of power into the hands of the corporations. So take a moment right now to remember what collective bargaining has saved for us, and stand up for the union!

Man Dies of Toothache

Man Dies of Toothache

In order to understand the absolute RAGE I feel at this moment, you should, first, visit the above link and read about 24-year-old Kyle Willis who died of a tooth infection because he did not have the money he needed for the antibiotic.

Second, read the blog below from Michelle Makin and all the things the conservatives are doing to blame the dead gentleman for his own death.

ObamaCare Fable

I don't care what other options he had. HE DIED BECAUSE NO ONE TOLD HIM OF THOSE OPTIONS. He died because the GOP will not let government do its job. Sick people should NOT have to run around to various organizations trying to figure out how to pay for their illness. They should go to the doctor or dentist and it gets taken care of, PERIOD!


By the way, tax-phobic GOPers should note, his daughter will probably cost taxpayers a ton of money till she is grown, since her father will not be there to even provide food or lodging. Kyle Willis' death is PROOF that we need universal health coverage. If we had it, he would be alive. If he lived in Europe, he would be alive. I do NOT care what taxes they pay in the EU, I care that they do not die, like we do, to save some fat-cat on his taxes! If the GOP wants to continue to call itself the "Party of Life", they had better get off their elephants and pay taxes so people can live!

From now on, everytime I donate to a Democrat or to a charity, I will pick ONE corporation which trades on Wall Street, and email them. My email will say, roughly, "I donated here instead of buying your product, because no one will take my tax money to fix the problems of the poor and middle class." I wonder what would happen if enough people did that and Wall Street corporations began to see the money they were losing? Maybe we can get a law passed to let their stockholders know how much money is NOT being spent to buy their product or service. And, maybe, other Kyle Willis' will live to see their daughters grow up.

When I vote in 2012, I will do so in Kyle Willis' memory.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jefferson Quote t-shirt from BoldlyLiberal* at Zazzle.com

Jefferson Quote t-shirt from Zazzle.com

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations which dare already to challenge our government in a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." This quote from Thomas Jefferson, founder and third President of the United States, is so pertinent now that we're seeing the transformation of corporations into "super-persons." Jefferson's hope is a long way from being realized, so let's get busy!